Raahgiri Blog

Raahgiri Blog

Making Roads More Inclusive

Imagine a world without roads. At first, it might seem like a minor inconvenience: maybe you’ll have to traipse through

Indian drivers are incredibly resourceful when using the road: we don’t believe in wasting space. Out of a two-lane road,

Imagine a world without roads or streets. At first, it might seem like a minor inconvenience, such as not being

In the next two decades, it is estimated that the percentage of individuals living in urban areas will increase to

“Good lord this rush! Very smart of you to not let your kid bike to school” , “I know it’s

Wounds get healed, bills get paid off, and life moves on but there’s more to road accidents than what meets

The Power of Initiative

The lessons India can learn from cities that were able to transform transportation and mobility.   To say that Indian


Every year, far too many lives are lost on the streets of Gurgaon, due to its ill-designed and unsafe roads.

What does carbon neutral mean? Put simply, having carbon-neutrality implies that any C02 released into the environment by company or

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