Gurgaon Vision Zero

Location : Haryana, India

Duration :1st April 2021 to Present

Status : Ongoing

Collaborators:Gurugram District Administration, Gurugram Traffic Police, Regional Transport Authority


Gurugram Vision Zero

Raahgiri Foundation proposes to implement “Gurugram Vision Zero” in a formal partnership with Haryana District Administration, Regional Transport Authority and Nagarro. The partnership envisions to reduce road traffic deaths through improvements in road engineering, education campaign and enforcement. This will be done by adopting a scientific approach to identifying blackspots in the district, conducting road safety inspections, re-engineering roads, innovating traffic management techniques, scientific crash investigation, tactical urbanism, education programme in school and collages and capacitating city engineers, police and community. 

City governments in India, typically do not involve the end user when making decisions on the provision of roads or transport. Raahgiri Foundation seeks to pioneer a collaborative model where all stakeholders talk to each other in order to develop solutions beneficial for all. The stakeholders in this model would include officials of the various engineering departments, police, industry experts like architects, urban designers, contractors and most importantly the community. 

Raahgiri Foundation seeks to drive this initiative through redesign of existing infrastructure with priority on crash prone areas that witness a lot of fatalities and serious injuries. The project also lays focus on a larger use of technology by and for use of all stakeholders. Possible technological interventions required but missing in the current framework include automating the blackspot identification process, integration of blackspots alert system with navigation based apps, installation of ANPR based cameras at major intersections, installation of speed based cameras at mid-block sections, utilising CCTV footages for purposes other than security like AI/ML based conflict analysis for use by engineering departments, app-based technologies for conducting road inspections, etc. 


So far a lot of tactical urbanism trials have been fast-tracked and implemented to resolve existing traffic conflict zones and done in a low cost temporary manner which is in effect till the permanent measures are in place, For ex: IFFCO Chowk trial, MDI Chowk Trial, Hero Honda Chowk trial. The Gurugram Vision Zero project has also aided the local road owning agency to design intersections which are safe and accessible for all road users.  

Raahgiri Foundation has also hosted a lot of capacity building workshops with Road owning agency engineers and other stakeholders in the traffic management, road design and maintenance domain.  

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